Visiting Nederland
Nederland, Colorado & The Indian Peak Wilderness
The Town of Nederland is the gateway to the Indian Peaks Wilderness, home of Eldora Ski Resort, and host of Nederdays. Every other Sunday, the Nederland Farmers Market hosts growers and makers who bring freshness to the local community. The Backdoor Theatre shows first-run movies every Friday and Saturday, and popcorn only costs $2. The Carousel of Happiness brings smiles to everyone who hops on their hand-carved animals.

When you come to Nederland, be sure to check out Ned to Go for a list of eateries and drinkeries, with their hours, menus, and online ordering options. You will also find a list of events by date and category type, spanning the Peak to Peak area (from Rollinsville, down Coal Creek Canyon, through Nederland, and over to Jamestown).
Check in with the Nederland Visitors Center and grab a copy of The Mountain-Ear newspaper.
Before the festival, we recommend taking a hike around the Mud Lake trails or along Barker Reservoir to the dam.